Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Printable Questionnaire & Coloring Page about 'Grandma'

Although grandmas deserve a private island, 62 million dollars and a personal army of adorable snuggly puppies that house-train themselves & bring fresh beverages on demand, most of us probably can't give that to our amazing moms this Mother's Day. But for a grandma, hearing the sweet words & drawings from their ever-precious grandbabies is just as good. That's why I put together a few printables for you to have your child fill out (or you write down their answers for them) and color to show grandma just how special she is this Mother's Day.

You might want to throw in some chocolate too. And in my kids' mamaw's case: a large Code Red Mountain Dew.  Can't go wrong with "from the mouth of babes", chocolate and caffeine. It's the triple threat.

Just download (link below pics) and print! 

Enjoy! Happy Mother's Day. [note: on my printer I had to click "shrink to fit" so that it didn't fill it to the edge. I recommend testing one out before printing multiples to make sure your computer settings are correct.]

Download questionnaire HERE

Download Coloring Page HERE

Because I have the best mom in the world who actually reads all of my blog posts, I can't share our finished one here but I'd love to hear some of your little ones' sweet responses! Share them on my facebook page or in the comments below!


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  2. Because I have the best mom in the world who actually reads all of my blog posts, I can't share our finished one here but I'd love to hear some of your little ones' sweet responses!
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