Monday, February 18, 2013

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It!

I love newspaper.  I love the feel of newspaper, I love the look of newspaper, I even love the smell of newspaper.  The same goes for old books (e-books may be convenient but if they can't have that musky old smell and crisp feel of a real book then half the worth in reading is lost to me)  Call me crazy, but that is what I think.  Now you all may love your e-books and newspaper websites, but I bet that you still appreciate that typed newspaper look.  Am I right?  If so, then come see what I made for Easter decorations:

This is yet another quick and easy craft (who doesn't like that?!) 

{1} First, cut strips of newspaper.  I found it was easiest to just cut down each side of a column and then shorten that strip up as needed.  I actually prefer the longer strips of paper because they required more smooshing, folding and creasing to shape around the egg (which created that crinkled look).  I then used shorter pieces to fill in bare spots.

{2} To color the paper, lightly paint over the strips of newspaper.  If you find that the color is too dark, take an empty sponge brush over the top to get some of the paint off.  Using pastels works best (especially for Easter colors) but even the darker purple worked fine for me.

{3} To apply, cover the back of the newspaper with Mod Podge and stick to one of those plastic eggs from the store (the ones you can put candy inside)  A whole package of these costs about a dollar. 

It dries quickly and looks really neat when it is all done!  I put mine in the vase that sits on our dining room table.  This vase always gets filled for the holidays, but has been sitting empty since we took Christmas down (well, except for a short stint of door knobs- which were kind of neat!)

I loooooove the newspaper print- so darling!  I could seriously decorate with this stuff all day.

Although my husband usually stays out of the decorating scene all together, I think he is not-so cracked up about this project.  When I was saying how much I loved that crinkled look, I could see the need to smooth it out in his eyes! Isn't that funny?  I crinkle, he smooths... it's what we do.

{Your Turn}
Are you on team Tyler or team Kelsie in the battle of smooth vs. crinkled?  How do you get your house ready for Easter?  I know it's a ways away but I just love this holiday so much, I couldn't hold back!  I would love to hear what you have to say, so please let me know what you are thinking.

Happy Crafting,
Kelsie Ann



  1. Love it! I think I like the wrinkles most.

    1. Thanks Margaret! Welcome to "team Kelsie"! haha

      Happy Crafting,
      Kelsie Ann

  2. So So cute, Kelsie Ann! LOVE THEM! SMiles, Jill

    1. Thanks Jill! So glad you stopped by :)

      Kelsie Ann

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  4. I found it was easiest to just cut down each side of a column and then shorten that strip up as needed. I actually prefer the longer strips of paper because they required more smooshing, folding and creasing to shape around the egg (which created that crinkled look). I then used shorter pieces to fill in bare spots.
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