Neat, huh?
All I did was make teeny tiny little hearts from baked clay, bake for about 10 minutes (follow instructions on the packaging), let cool then paint. I actually painted the bottom white and the top purple just because.
After the paint dried, I simply glued the hearts onto small metal circles and attached them to an earring finding with a jump ring. I would suggest E-6000 glue. I was all out and tried hot glue and it is just not sticking. I'll be reapplying E-6000 after I pick some more up!
What do you think? It's a pretty easy craft to make and it only takes 20 minutes, start to finish! Next time, I might make my hearts even more flat and see if that looks any different. I love having the tiny heart sitting at the bottom corner. So dainty and pretty. Let me know what you think, I would love to hear from you!
Happy Crafting,
Kelsie Ann
Kelsie Ann
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